Temporary Resident Permits at the Port of Entry

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Temporary Resident Permits At The Port Of EntryAre You Inadmissible to Canada?

If you are criminally inadmissible or are inadmissible for some other reason, you will likely be denied entry into Canada at the Canadian border. To avoid facing these issues you could apply for a temporary resident permit (TRP) or, even apply for Criminal Rehabilitation. Both of these applications take time, though, you may be able to overcome inadmissibility in person at the border if you are an American citizen. The application processing is slightly stricter at the border, because individuals must have a more compelling reason to need entry into Canada on an urgent basis than they would need if they were requesting to enter Canada after they receive a temporary resident permit from the consulate. Though, if you can put forth compelling reasons why you should be allowed to enter Canada for a temporary period of time, then you may be granted a temporary resident permit at the port of entry. In an ideal situation, a Temporary Resident Permit application would be submitted well in advance of attempting to enter Canada, to allow a consulate to render a decision. However, processing times at the consulate are extensive and out of the applicant’s control, and often a decision will not be made in time for your travel, this is when one should apply for a temporary resident permit at a port of entry.

Is There a Difference between a Temporary Resident Permit from the Consulate and one Obtained at a Port of Entry?

Essentially, no, there is no difference between the documents you obtain which allows you to enter Canada temporarily. Regardless of where you obtain the document, you should pay attention to the conditions given with the permit; these are the rules you must follow while in Canada. Though, in this regard, there may be some differences between the permits obtained at a port of entry, and a consulate. For example, temporary resident permits obtained at a port of entry are often only granted for the specific period of time the individual would like to enter Canada for, whereas, permits obtained at a consulate could be valid for up to three years. Finally, as briefly mentioned, it may be more difficult to obtain a temporary resident permit at a port of entry, because the officer must add into consideration the fact that you did not prepare in advance and comply with the regulations of individuals who are inadmissible to Canada. Ultimately, your reason for wanting to enter Canada must be that much stronger.

So how do I get a Temporary Resident Permit?

Well, this can be a difficult process, depending on the reason you are inadmissible, and the length of time which has passed since the events which contributed to your inadmissibility. Also, the process can be made significantly more difficult, or easier, depending on the reasons an individual is requesting entry into Canada. For example, if you have a minor criminal conviction, and can clearly demonstrate with documents collected from the courts that your sentences are completed, while also having a strong, compelling reason for wanting to enter Canada, you may have an easier time applying for a temporary resident permit. This is because you are able to demonstrate your need to enter Canada outweighs the risk you pose to Canadian society. Even though you have a criminal conviction, you are able to demonstrate that you are a low-risk traveler. However, if you have not finished completing the conditions of your sentence, and you are only wishing to enter Canada to travel for leisure, you may not have such an easy time getting an application approved, as you cannot demonstrate your needs outweigh the risks.

So Once I Have a Temporary Resident Permit, I am free to Enter Canada?

Well, yes and no. If you are from the United States of America and are flying to Canada, you will still need to apply for an eTA to be permitted to board your flight to Canada. If you are driving or arriving by other means of travel, you will not need anything else except for your travel document, to be permitted to enter Canada. Regardless of whether or not you are from a visa-exempt country, anyone who is not from the USA and needs to apply for a Temporary Resident Permit to overcome their inadmissibility, must also apply for a temporary resident visa to be permitted to enter the country. Though, once you submit and have both of these applications approved, and ensure you have a valid travel document, you will be permitted to enter Canada. Ultimately though, it is important to be aware that at the border, no Canadian border officer has to let you enter Canada. At any time, regardless of the permits and visas you have successfully applied for, you could be denied entry into Canada for almost any reason. It is important the officer does not feel you are a threat to the security of Canadians, or that you have been dishonest in your applications. Both of these things are common reasons individuals are unexpectedly denied at the border.

Contact Akrami & Associates

Akrami and Associates has filed countless applications for a temporary resident permits, both at the border and at the consulate, as well as applications for criminal rehabilitation. Applying for a TRP is a complex task and is never guaranteed, no matter how strong your reasons are for visiting Canada. Issuing a TRP is completely at the discretion of the immigration officer processing your application. Therefore, it is incredibly important to be well prepared, even over-prepared, for your attempt to apply for a TRP at the port of entry. Akrami and Associates can do this by helping you prepare an application to bring with you to the port of entry, for your urgent travel date, and, help you also prepare an application to submit to the consulate before you head to the border. This will help show the border officer processing you at the port of entry, that you are serious about overcoming your criminality and will await the decision from the consulate, if you are unsuccessful at the port of entry.

With Akrami & Associates, There is Always a Way!